Marlous Teh. Leadership & Mindset Coach and Trainer for Emerging Life Coaches

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Sunday Soulful Reflections. ❤️

What are you desiring to create for your life?

Here’s a selection of Sunday soulful reflections prompt from my soul-aligned reflections guide.
✨ What insights/learnings have I gained?

✨ Who are the people who most supported me?

✨ What brought me deep joy and fulfillment?

✨ What am I most proud of?

✨ What has been challenging/frustrating?

✨ What boundaries do I need (more) in place to by true unapologetic self?

✨ What am I celebrating and honouring?

✨ Where did I step into my leadership and power?

✨ What choices did I make that empowered me?

✨ Where did I keep myself small and hold myself back out of lack, anxiety or fear?
Which questions are you drawn to?
What can you put in place to take intentional action with your learnings?
If you want to be the first to get a free copy of my new guide including 28+ power reflection and intention setting prompts, send me a DM or comment 😊💞
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